A redesign documentation I recently did. I wanted to test out my skills in identifying problems and putting them into words, and implementing them via UI Design.
View projectThis was a 4-day assignment where I was told to create user flows for a feature of the said startup’s product. I did not know before how to design and map a user flow, so that was an obstacle which I cleared through this task, and also had other learnings.
View projectThis was a 3-day assignment which I was assigned to do for Mountain.Studio's internship interview process. This also got me my first ever product design internship.
View projectThis was a freelance project (for which I unfortunately got ditched lol). I did not document this but my intention with this project was to test out my UI Design skills, and whether I can stick to the proper notion of UI without making the design too Dribble-like and not fit for real-world use.
View projectI’m a UI designer, freelance video editor, and an aspiring photographer based out of Nagpur, Maharashtra. Not to forget, I’m a ‘21 BBA grad.
Currently I’m looking for opportunities as a Product Designer, previously I was interning as one at Mountain.Studio, a remote product design studio.
In my spare time, I take pleasure in watching anime, reading fiction novels, and eumlating/playing Nintendo games. I have also enjoyed baking since last year, and it is something I plan to resume soon. :)